You could even make a nice handwritten signature and attach it to outgoing email. Here’s how you create or edit your Outlook email signature block: Add and Change signatures in Outlook 365 / 2019 / 2016 That said, the process is almost identical for other Outlook versions.
As i am now setting up my new Outlook 2019 installation, i would like to explain the process using that version. Setting your custom signatures for outgoing email messages is pretty simple with Microsoft Outlook. Note that i use multiple email accounts concurrently – Gmail for business usage and for personal so i would like to have couple of signatures defined. Wanted to ask you how can i auto insert a signature of my own into my Outlook email. A customer of mine sent me a note that had a quite fancy signature in the bottom, complete with his name, address, contact details.
Here’s a question that we received from a reader who wanted to add a footer signature text in Office Outlook 365: Applies to: Windows 7/8/10 and MAC operating systems.